Lad Partner Dialog booke kvalitetsmøder for dig


Whether you are looking for help with generating leads, getting help filling out the calendar or an effective sales strategy, Partner Dialog helps you through the sales process.

Get called by us

The management at Partner Dialog

At Partner Dialog we are always ready have a non-committal talk with you. You are more than welcome to either send us an e-mail or give us a call, so we can introduce you to the way we work and what we offer.

Kontakt Bo Brink, hvis du vil have sparring til din salgsstrategi

Bo Brink

Partner and founder +45 2868 8500

Bo’s focus is on being a sparring partner for regular as well as new customers. He advices both Danish and international companies on sales strategies.


Bo established Partner Dialog A/S in 2002. Before that he studied market economy and worked in the contracting trade and the telecommunication business for companies such as FMT and Dicotel.

John Stoltenborg er partner og administrerende direktør hos Partner Dialog

John Stoltenborg

Partner and managing director +45 2032 2262

John is the one who keeps everything together in the office as well as being part of the marketing team.


John has worked at Partner Dialog A/S since 2009. He has a degree in international trading and he has trained in ØK. He has worked in the graphic designer business and in food commerce as managing director for Konvolutfabrikken Danmark A/S, K-Salat A/S and Cocio A/S.

Nina Bay - Partner Dialog

Nina Bay

Sales Director and responsible for New Bizz +45 6130 4008

The newest member of our management team at Partner Dialog is Nina Bay, who as New Bizz responsible, has an overview of all new and potential campaigns.
Nina specializes in consulting companies within the IT industry and acts as a daily sparring partner for customers in all industries, in Denmark and abroad.

Nina has previously run her own high-end call center for 16 years and at Partner Dialog she focuses on creating a good flow and momentum in all new campaigns.
Nina is also a member of the board at Partner Dialog.

Should we contact you?

You can also write to us at or call us on +45 38 41 03 26.